At 15th November 2011 comes the new and the last Part of the legandary series, Assassins Creed Revelations.
Ezio, the mainperson is now over 50 years old.
He goes to Konstantinopel because, he have heard from an seal, that contains the memories Altairs, so he can dip in Altairs life
Constantinopel is diveced in four districts: Constantin, Beyazid Imperial and Galata. Maybe you can restore the town, like in Brotherhoods Rom, I hope it.
Of course there are new weapens and armors aviable, you can create bombs on your own and you have a piton for better climbing
You can have almost own Assassins, like in Brotherhood
The Multiplayer is be further developed, said the makers.
here you have the trailer, J like the music:and here you have the gameplay
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