Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011

GoldenEye 007 Remake: Announcement, massive information and a trailer

there are many informations about the remake projekt of „GoldenEye 007: Reloadet“ the n64 classic will portiere into the new generation of games.

So you can look forward to a HD look with 60 FPS. thats all paired with a new gameplay and a new james bond

Away from the story nice side quests wait of you. Under Mi6 Ops missions you can expect many different tasks.
Whether it is as quiet as a shadow or Stealth Assault giant brute.

what players of the original  remainded in head was the great 4 player splitscreen multiplayer. this mode is also in the remake

you can play the game also with playstation move at ps3

8 Kommentare:

  1. This is going to be awesome. Looking forward for it.

  2. I hope it's better than the Duke Nukem remake xD

  3. Playstation plus? I still have a few days left :D

  4. Never really played 007 games but I've wanted to. I'll probably give it a try.

  5. I have been waiting for this game for sometime now. I hope they don't blow it to oblivion. The again... Elder Scrolls Oblivion was awesome... better say the don't blow it to hell then... but Diablo was a good game too. I just hope the don't make a mess with the game.

    I like your blog, I will follow it form now on.

  6. That is awesome news to me, I have so many good memories from the original.

  7. How many Goldeneye remakes have there been? I still prefer the N64 one hehe
